Companies, big and small, political figures, artists, institutions they all need public relations to raise awareness of a product, to develop interest in a brand, to build the right
image. For this reason the importance of communication has long been constantly growing and the ambition to work in this increasingly widespread field. Those who want to dedicate
themselves to this activity should not forget that to establish themselves, they need to be careful, diplomatic, creative and have a great specific preparation. Tiziana Rocca, recognized
as an industry leader, proposes, in this agile manual, her approach and her vision of the so-called Pr. After a series of food for thought about the contents and objectives of this work,
the author examines the points fundamental aspects of professionalism: the quality of service, the relationship with the client and the values to be strengthened in daily practice. A
large part is then dedicated to issues related to marketing and advertising, the flow of information and the concrete aspects of the trade: the management of events, the criteria of
modern art of receiving, the strategies and the operational tools, the organization of collaborators.
Sperling & Kupfer (September 26, 2006)